Join us in the Hall on the first Sunday of each month for the recitation of the Rosary at 9:30am. We will attend 10:00am Mass together, with a brief meeting to follow. Next meeting:Sunday, March 2, 2025
The Altar & Rosary Society has been the most popular society for women in the Church. The Rosary Confraternity is one of the oldest confraternities of the Church; perhaps no other is enriched with as many indulgences and privileges.
The primary purpose of the Rosary Confraternity is to praise and honor the Blessed Virgin Mary, and to secure Her patronage by the recitation of the Rosary for the mutual, spiritual benefit of all its members.
At St. John Neumann, our Rosarians are called upon to assist our pastor on various occasions. We assist with the laundering of sacred linens, and assist our priests if needed.
We are a group of women who support one another in time of need. We all have one thing in common, and that is our love for Our Blessed Mother and our Church. Here you will find willing hearts to assist when and where we are needed.
Please join us for a spiritually enriching experience. All women of our parish are welcomed to join our Altar and Rosary Society. You won't be disappointed. It's such a special way to honor our Blessed Mother.
ALTAR & ROSARY SOCIETY CONTACT Annette Rahas 609-983-9989 [email protected]